
Can I heat food in plastic containers in the microwave?

Maryna Gramovych

Food containers
Is it worth reheating food in containers. Source:

When it comes to reheating food, it is very important to follow best practices to ensure food safety and quality. UAportal has prepared some tips to help you heat food in a plastic container properly.

Choose the right plastic container

Some plastics can release harmful chemicals when heated, so look for containers that are suitable for use in the microwave. It's also best to avoid containers with cracks or damage, as they can release chemicals into your food when heated.

Look for the label labeled "Microwave safe"

Microwave-safe plastic containers are specially designed to withstand heat without leaching harmful chemicals into the food. When reheating food in a plastic container, always pay attention to the label to make sure it is suitable for this purpose.

Cover food with a microwave-safe lid

Using the correct lid when reheating food in a plastic container can help to trap steam and heat, providing more even heat distribution. It can also help to prevent moisture loss and prevent food from drying out while heating. It's important not to close the lid tightly to prevent creating tension inside the container.

Handle hot foods with care

After heating food in a plastic container, it is important to handle it carefully. To avoid burns or food spills, you can use oven mitts or a towel to remove the container from the microwave.

If you are not sure, transfer to a plate

If in doubt about heating food in a plastic container, it is always best to transfer the food to a plate before heating. This will help ensure that the food is reheated safely without any potential risks associated with plastic containers.

As a reminder, we told you why you shouldn't turn off the microwave before the scheduled time.

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