How to choose healthy bread
Bread is one of the most popular foods in many people's diets. However, choosing a high-quality and nutritious one is not an easy task. Here are some key points to help you make your choice.
Multigrain or whole grain – what's the difference?
Multigrain bread sounds impressive, but it only means that it is made from several types of grains. However, these grains can also be refined (hulled), which deprives them of their nutrients. And such bread is no different from ordinary white bread.
Instead, whole grain bread is a product that retains all parts of the grain. It is rich in fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. This bread helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels, provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and promotes intestinal health.
Read the ingredients.
Do not rely on the front of the package. Just because the package shows a beautiful field of wheat doesn't necessarily mean that its contents are made from whole grains. The words "multigrain," "7 grains," "yeast-free," and "whole grain" also do not always indicate quality bread.
Check the list of ingredients. The relative amount of whole grains can be assessed by the location of the grain in the list of ingredients. Whole wheat flour should be the first ingredient or the second after water. Both whole wheat and hulled wheat are also suitable, as they are also types of coarse flour that are made by keeping part of the hull and the nutrients with it.
Tips for the attentive buyer.
The color of bread is not an indicator of quality. Dark bread is not always whole grain. Manufacturers often add caramel or molasses to make it darker.
Fewer ingredients are better. Real healthy bread does not need a long list of additives.
The amount of sugar. It is acceptable to add 1-2 g per 100 g of bread. If the package states that the bread contains more than 5 g of sugar per 100 g, it means that it contains added sugar (including syrups, fruit purees, molasses, and honey).
Shelf life. Bread without preservatives cannot be stored for more than 5 days. If the package indicates a long shelf life, this may indicate the presence of artificial additives.