
How to overcome loneliness: 5 useful tips

Maryna Gramovych

How to overcome loneliness: 5 useful tips
Tips for overcoming loneliness. Source: Pexels

Loneliness can be a difficult feeling to cope with, even for the most positive people. However, UAportal has prepared five useful tips for overcoming loneliness.

Take the initiative in communication

Taking action is the key to solving problems. If feelings of loneliness arise, take the initiative to talk to your partner about it. Share your emotions and worries to get the support you need.

Let go of past insults

Often, it is resentments and misunderstandings that contribute to the breakdown of a relationship. It is important to learn how to forgive. Avoid dwelling on past images and constantly returning to them, instead find the strength to forgive your loved one and move forward.

Read also: Three lifehacks that will help improve relationships: the "5 love languages" and communication techniques

Do not compare yourself with others

Comparing yourself with others is useless. Every person is unique with their looks, character and strengths. Accept and appreciate what you have.

Physical contact

Physical contact plays an important role in building emotional bonds. Embrace each other to promote intimacy with your partner. Physical intimacy can strengthen the bond between you and alleviate feelings of loneliness.


Presenting scenarios or assumptions about your partner's behavior will only lead to misunderstandings. Have open and honest conversations with your loved one, though. Talk about your concerns, especially when you feel hurt or offended, and give them an opportunity to explain their actions.

Recall, we told you about a few practical tips to help couples keep the passion alive in their marriage.

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