
How to remove soy sauce stains: Effective life hacks

Maryna Gramovych

Proven life hacks for stubborn stains
Proven life hacks for stubborn stains. Source: freepik

Learn about simple and effective ways to remove soy sauce stains from various surfaces. UAportal has shared effective methods to help remove stubborn soy sauce stains.

Vinegar solution

Prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of white vinegar and two tablespoons of water in a small bowl. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and gently blot the soy sauce stain. It is recommended to leave the vinegar solution for a few minutes and then rinse the area with cold water.

This process can be repeated until the stain lightens, after which the clothes should be washed as usual.

Baking soda paste

Mix equal parts of baking soda and water in a bowl and you will get a dense paste. It should be applied to the soy sauce stain and be left to dry completely. After drying, the stain can be rinsed with cold water, carefully removing the paste with a brush.

For more stubborn stains, you can repeat the process or leave the paste and baking soda on for a longer time before rinsing. This method is suitable for removing soy sauce stains from a variety of surfaces, including upholstery and carpets.

Lemon juice

It is recommended to soak the soy sauce stain with lemon juice and leave it for a few minutes. Then the area should be blotted with a clean cloth to absorb excess liquid and remove the stain.

The natural acid in lemon juice has been found to help break down soy sauce stains, making them easier to remove. This method is especially effective for light fabrics and surfaces.

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