
Thoroughly tidy up and decorate your home with red: 5 traditions that will bring luck in the new year

Maria Tsikhotska

Thoroughly tidy up and decorate your home with red: 5 traditions that will bring luck in the new year
Chinese believe that red decor and live flowers will attract wealth into the home

In China, people pay great attention to New Year's traditions, hoping to attract happiness, wealth, and success to their homes for the next twelve months. TSN suggests taking into account several effective methods to attract happiness in 2024.

What is important to do before the New Year to attract happiness and wealth:


A week before the New Year's holidays, it is worth doing a general cleaning to appease the Dragon, the owner of the year. It is believed that clutter repels prosperity and good luck.

Fresh flowers

The Chinese decorate their homes not only with lanterns and garlands but also with fresh flowers. They believe that flowers bring happiness and health to the house. If this is not possible, indoor plants will do.

Red colors

Red is a must-have color in home decorations. It symbolizes good luck, gives strength to achieve dreams, and energizes.


It is worth observing evenness in everything: an even number of balls on the Christmas tree, an even number of items in gifts. Even numbers, according to Chinese belief, mean unlimited wealth and harmony.

A variety of dishes

The Chinese New Year's table is considered as important as ours in Ukraine. That's why it's important to put out as many dishes as possible to make the year rich, fruitful, and successful. A variety of vegetables and fruits, red meat, dumplings, chicken, and duck are considered attractive to attract wealth and happiness to the house.

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