
They become dangerous: doctor names foods that cannot be heated in the microwave

Bylim Olena

They become dangerous: doctor names foods that cannot be heated in the microwave
Reheating food in the microwave

Most people think that reheating yesterday's leftovers in the microwave is a quick and easy way to save time. However, it can be dangerous for your health.

According to Dr Stacey Duvenage, based at the Natural Resources Institute at the University of Greenwich in London, some foods, such as rice, eggs, mushrooms, spinach, potatoes, seafood, chicken, and butter, can be dangerous to health if reheated, writes.

Also read: In just 10 minutes: how to defrost any meat without a microwave, oven, or boiling water

She explained that this is because these products can contain harmful bacteria or carcinogens when reheated.

To protect yourself from food poisoning or other diseases, the doctor advised not to microwave the following foods:

Rice - it may contain the bacterium Bacillus cereus, which produces a toxin that causes food poisoning. These bacteria can survive cooking and multiply if the rice is reheated.

Eggs can also contain Salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning. These bacteria can survive cooking, but can multiply if eggs are reheated in a microwave.

Mushrooms - repeated heating can destroy proteins and nutrients. When heated in the microwave, mushroom proteins oxidize and can become carcinogenic (potentially causing cancer).

Spinach may contain nitrates, which can turn into carcinogens when heated.

Potatoes, seafood, meat, butter, oil, and hot peppers are also foods that are not suitable for heating in the microwave.

The same goes for milk and baby food. The doctor explained, "If your child does not finish the entire heated portion, it may contain bacteria from your child's mouth. When baby food is reheated, it may not reach the temperature necessary to kill these bacteria, and this can cause foodborne illness."

As for milk, heating it in the microwave will destroy its nutrients.

Here's why you shouldn't close the microwave door immediately after use.

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