
Mediterranean superfood: scientists named the most useful product of a popular diet

Ihor Romanko

Scientists explain why olive oil is useful
Scientists explain why olive oil is useful. Source:

Scientists from the University of Minnesota (USA) have proven that olive oil is a key component of the Mediterranean diet, helping to prolong life and mitigate diseases associated with aging.

As ua-vestnik writes, it was previously believed that the main reason for the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet is red wine, which contains substances that affect cellular development. However, a new study has shown that fat in olive oil has a greater impact on the body.

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Researchers have found that people who regularly consume olive oil have lower cholesterol levels and a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Olive oil also helps fight age-related skin changes.

Study leader Doug Mashek believes that to achieve the maximum effect of olive oil, it should be consumed in combination with other healthy habits, such as fasting, calorie restriction, and exercise.

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the most effective diets for reducing the risk of breast cancer. In addition, fruits and vegetables that are part of the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Attention: This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. For medication, diagnosis, and other medical advice, please consult your doctor.

Earlier, nutritionists named foods that contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

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