
Easy ways to get the second-hand smell out of things

Bylim Olena

Easy ways to get the second-hand smell out of things
Second-hand clothes. Source: Ylanite Koppens/

Second-hand clothes always have an unpleasant odor that is very difficult to get rid of. But it is quite possible if you know some tricks.

The experts at The Spruce offer some tips to help you make your thrift store finds smell like new.

Also read: Is it possible to buy children's clothes in a second-hand store

Ventilate things

The first thing to do when you buy something at a thrift store is to air it out. Leave the item outside or in a well-ventilated area for a few hours or even a day, if possible. The fresh air will help eliminate some of the odor.

Use baking soda

Baking soda is another great way to eliminate odors. Sprinkle baking soda liberally on the object and leave it for several hours or even overnight. Baking soda has absorbent properties that will help draw in the odor.

Try a little vinegar

Vinegar is also an effective way to eliminate odors. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on the item. Let the item dry outside.

Additional products

Newspapers, kitty litter, activated charcoal, and essential oils can also help eliminate odors. Wrap the newspaper in the sleeves or pockets of clothing and leave it for two days. Cat litter can be placed in a cloth bag with the item for a week. Activated charcoal can be placed in a container and placed near the item. Essential oils can simply be sprayed directly onto the item.

Steam cleaning

Steaming is also an effective way to remove odors. It's important to use a cleaning solution with fragrances to add a fresh scent. This method will also help to remove any wrinkles or linty fabric.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to get the odor out of your thrift store items and enjoy them like new.

How to wash clothes after second-hand

  • Wash used items separately from other clothes so that the odor does not spread to other items.
  • Wash several times, at the maximum temperature allowed for a particular type of item. This will help kill the bacteria that cause the odor.
  • Use double the amount of powder to enhance the deodorizing effect.
  • Include an additional rinse to remove residual powder and odor.

We offer you to learn how to choose good things in a second-hand store.

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