
Why women over 55 are recommended to eat prunes: useful tips

Ihor Romanko

How prunes affect the health of the elderly
How prunes affect the health of the elderly

American scientists have found that regular consumption of prunes can help women aged 55 to 75 prevent osteoporosis or bone loss.

The study was conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, RadioTrack reports. It involved 183 postmenopausal women. The women were divided into three groups: the first two consumed 50 and 100 g of prunes per day, and the third group did not consume dried fruit at all.

After 12 months of the experiment, scientists found that women who ate prunes had reduced oxidative and inflammatory processes in the blood. This led to a slowdown in bone loss.

Prunes contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as special plant compounds such as polyphenols and phenolic acids. These substances prevent the production of cytokine molecules that destroy bone material.

Thus, eating prunes can be beneficial for postmenopausal women who want to prevent osteoporosis.

Attention: This content is for informational purposes only and does not contain any medical advice. For medications, diagnoses, and other medical advice, please consult your doctor.

Earlier, nutritionists named foods that contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat.

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