
Determining the power of flight: scientists have found an ancient pattern hidden in bird feathers (photo)

Bylim Olena

Determining the power of flight: scientists have found an ancient pattern hidden in bird feathers (photo)
Illustrative image of bird wings. Source: mali maeder/

Scientists have discovered that there is a certain set of feather rules behind the power of flight. All flying birds have from 9 to 11 asymmetrical wing feathers, called primary feathers.

This number, as well as the symmetry of the feathers and the proportions of the wings, accurately reflect the ability to fly, according to sciencealert.

By looking at the fossils, the researchers identified which bird ancestors had these traits and were therefore likely to have been able to fly. This includes Archaeopteryx, considered one of the oldest bird-like animals, as well as microraptors, tiny four-winged dinosaurs.

Bird wingspan. Source: L.Shyamal Shyamal/Wikipedia/CC BY SA 2.5
Bird wingspan. Source: L.Shyamal Shyamal/Wikipedia/CC BY SA 2.5
The span of a bird's wing. Source: L.Shyamal Shyamal/Wikipedia/CC BY SA 2.5
The span of a bird's wing. Source: L.Shyamal Shyamal/Wikipedia/CC BY SA 2.5

The study also suggests that flight probably evolved only once in dinosaurs. This statement contradicts previous theories that were based only on skeletal evidence.

Bird wingspan. Source: Yosef Kiat
Bird wingspan. Source: Yosef Kiat

Scientists believe that studying the structure of feathers can give us more information about the evolution of flight. This study is an important step in understanding how dinosaurs evolved into birds.

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