
Can be harmful to your health: what clothes should not be worn to sleep

Maria Tsikhotska

Can be harmful to your health: what clothes should not be worn to sleep
experts say that too warm clothes for sleeping can have a negative impact on health.

With the onset of cold weather, many people start wearing extra clothes at night to keep warm. However, experts say that this can have a negative impact on health.

This was reported by


Socks can worsen blood circulation, especially if they are tight. Therefore, it is better not to wear them at all before bed, or wear loose socks one size larger.

A study conducted in 2021 found that socks that people wear all day can have as many bacteria on them as a mat. This means that sleeping in socks can increase the risk of developing fungal foot infections such as athlete's foot.


Underwear can promote moisture in the genital area, which increases the risk of yeast infections. Therefore, it is better not to wear underwear before bed.


Tight pajamas can restrict blood circulation, which can cause discomfort and sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is better to choose spacious pajamas made from natural fabrics such as cotton or silk.

To improve sleep quality, it is recommended:

  • Do not wear socks and underwear before bed.
  • Choose spacious pajamas made of natural fabrics.
  • Keep the room for sleeping cool (18-20 degrees Celsius).
  • Take a warm bath or shower before going to bed.

As a reminder, we have already written about which bread is the safest for your figure.

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