Potato cheesecakes with cheese: a very easy recipe
Potato cheesecakes with cheese: a very easy recipe
Friends, today we are going to make delicious potato cheesecakes with cheese. They are easy and very quick to prepare. Be sure to try them.
Potato cheesecakes:
500 g of potatoes (5-6 pieces)
300 g of cottage cheese (5% fat) (17.5 tbsp)
250 g of feta cheese
50 g flour (2 tbsp with a slide)
100 g eggs (2 pcs.)
salt (pinch)
dill (optional)
Cooking technology:
- Boil the potatoes in salted water.
- Peel the potatoes.
- Mash the potatoes with a fork while they are hot, so that large pieces remain.
- Add the cheese and feta cheese to the potatoes. Mash with a fork.
- Add the flour and mix.
- Add eggs and salt and mix again.
- The potatoes, cheese and cheese should be broken into small pieces. You do not need to make a homogeneous mass.
- Moisten your hands with cold water, form the pancakes and roll them in flour.
- Fry the syrniki on both sides until golden brown, put them on a paper towel and let them cool slightly.
- This amount of dough will make 18 cheesecakes.