
What products the heart absolutely does not like

Оксана Скиталинская

What products the heart absolutely does not like
What products the heart absolutely does not like


"Listen to your heart," the popular wisdom says. I don't know how we can hear our heart, but it deserves special attention because it is always at work when we are happy, worried, crying, sleeping, and jumping.

Here is the text in the original language

The heart is very susceptible to stress, physical and emotional overload. Any emotional arousal causes the release of various hormones into the bloodstream (stress hormones, steroid hormones, and others), which mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue, leading to the formation of LDL and VLDL (the so-called "bad" cholesterol), hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar), and increased blood clotting (increased risk of thrombosis, strokes, and heart attacks).

Negative psycho-emotional reactions, unlike positive ones, have an atherogenic effect, that is, they stimulate the formation and deposition of "plaques" on the inner surface of blood vessels.

Vascular damage is caused by smoking (cigarettes, vapes, etc.), as well as by consuming large amounts of alcohol and coffee (more than six cups). Alcohol contributes to an increase in blood lipids (fats) and causes liver damage (steatosis).

Hypodynamia contributes to lipid metabolism disorders (obesity, atherosclerosis, inflammation), while moderate physical activity has the opposite effect.

Therefore, the best thing we can do is to prevent and avoid heart and vascular "breakdowns".

For the heart to work like a clock, it is enough to give up bad habits and move daily, and the movement should be different, not only walking but also light (or more difficult, all individually) exercises.

The heart does not like an excess of saturated fats, so even sour cream, cream, butter, and fatty cheeses should be consumed in moderation, keeping in mind that these are concentrated products.

The heart loves unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fats (olive oil), and omega-3 fats (seafood once or twice a week, nuts, flax seeds). However, heavily salted herring and smoked mackerel will not be beneficial because they contain a lot of salt and harmful compounds. And nuts will be useful only when there are not too many of them, especially for those who are overweight.

Fructose has a bad effect on the heart (it is sold in brightly colored packets as a sugar substitute and is also added to "healthy" sweets, so read the labels). Fructose increases the content of triglycerides in the blood (accelerates atherosclerosis at a rapid pace), contributes to high blood pressure, makes cells insensitive to insulin, and increases the content of uric acid. Fructose from fruit, if eaten in kilograms, is not harmful. But still, the best fruit is a vegetable.