
How to recognize an abuser at the very beginning of a relationship

Екатерина Шереметьева

How to recognize an abuser at the very beginning of a relationship
How to recognize an abuser at the very beginning of a relationship



1. Controls the conversation. The person you are talking to interrupts you half-heartedly, doesn't let you speak, and talks only about themselves the whole time.

2. Violates your personal boundaries immediately. Intentionally becomes too close to you, hovering over you during the conversation, constantly trying to touch you

3. does not look away in conversation. If a person during a conversation stares intently into your eyes, without looking away for a second - this is a reason to suspect that he is a sociopath. Such people have a heavy, focused, hypnotic gaze with which they are trying to suppress their victim.

4. He has no gaze. The opposite situation is also possible, when the person in front of you has a unfocused gaze: he looks through you and deliberately avoids eye contact. This may be another sign that you have met a sociopath.

5. The person's mood changes quickly. His/her mood can change incredibly quickly: one minute he/she is sweet and cheerful in conversation, and the next he/she turns into an irritable and sarcastic person for no apparent reason.

6. Does not control emotions. One of the signs that you have a mentally unhealthy person in front of you is that he or she does not know how to keep his or her emotions under control.