How not to break your diet: three useful tips
How not to break your diet: three useful tips
The New Year's holidays have already passed, and you might have a few extra pounds left over. In this case, many of us decide to go on a diet. To avoid falling back on junk food while losing weight, it's important to follow some tips from nutritionists.
- Don't set your goals too high. Extreme diets that promise quick results often lead to breakdowns. It is better to gradually change your eating habits and accustom your body to a healthy diet.
- Don't completely ban your favorite foods. Forbidden fruits always seem especially sweet. It's better to allow yourself a small portion of your favorite food sometimes than to give it up completely.
- Don't get stressed about your diet. If you feel that dieting has become a burden for you, it can lead to breakdowns. Find a way to make your diet more comfortable for you. For example, you can find recipes for healthy foods that you like or find partners who are dieting with you.
If you do slip up, don't be discouraged. Breakdowns are normal. Whenever you feel like you've failed, just start again tomorrow. Don't fall into self-recrimination, just continue on your path to health.
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