
An electrician suggested a simple curtain trick to keep your home warm

Anastasia Kryshchuk

An electrician suggested a simple curtain trick to keep your home warm
A simple curtain trick to keep your home warm

Many people try to keep their homes warm in winter. The electrician shared different ways to keep your home warm without spending too much money.

It is recommended to keep the temperature at home between 18 and 21 °C to feel comfortable, but it is important not to lose heat. This includes using curtains and blinds, according to

Keep the blinds and curtains open during the hours of the day when the sun is shining through the windows and close them when it starts to set. By letting the sun's rays into your home, you get free solar heat.

Closing the curtains and blinds over time helps to create a good insulation layer and allows you to keep the heat in. The thicker the curtains, the better, as they will help prevent heat from escaping.

You can also deal with excessive heat loss by covering the curtains over the blinds. When you turn on the heating, open the curtains while the blinds are closed to avoid drafts without blocking heat from the radiator.

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