
Food of long-livers: what does it consist of

Оксана Скиталинская

Food of long-livers: what does it consist of
Food of long-livers: what does it consist of



We often hear that our diet should be balanced in terms of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

But for potential long-livers, this is clearly not enough.

The diet of a potential long-liver should be filled with natural geroprotectors, i.e. food components that inhibit the aging process (and this includes the so-called sterile inflammation, the accumulation of "breakdowns" in cells and "breakdowns of the repair systems themselves," and the growing risk of mutations and carcinogenesis, and many others).

Everything that contaminates food ("improvers", "enhancers", trans fats, sugar, added fructose, all kinds of additives in sugary drinks, browned skin when fried and grilled) - all this erodes and destroys health reserves.

It is extremely important to protect these reserves from childhood, because after the age of 50, if you are unlucky enough to have long-lived genes (and long-livers have "breakdown" processes 20-30 years later than ordinary people), and these reserves are not enough, our body will begin to crumble like a house of cards and longevity will be out of the question!

All macronutrients (i.e., those groups of nutrients that are needed the most) - proteins, fats, and carbohydrates - should be of the highest nutritional value, without unhealthy additives (preservatives, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, such as glutamate, trans fats, excessive omega-6 fats, etc. - that is, all the things that are contaminated with industrial sausages, pates, mayonnaise, "light" oils, ready-made sweets).

Include a wide range of #essential components (i.e., those that are not synthesized in our body and without which it malfunctions, and which must be supplied with food): omega-3 fats (both fish and vegetable), monounsaturated fats that are resistant to oxidation (avocado, olive oil), essential amino acids (so protein sources should be diverse, not just chicken breast), water-soluble vitamins (foods rich in vitamin C and B vitamins), as well as fat-soluble vitamin D, phytonutrients (color pigments of berries, leaves, root vegetables), fiber, #prebiotics (chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, banana, beets, onions, garlic).

Have a low glycemic index (GI) and avoid constantly high insulin.

Frequent rises in blood insulin levels lead to insulin resistance (insensitivity of tissues to insulin), and, as a result, to the risk of inflammation, accelerated aging, damage to the inner walls of blood vessels, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and many types of cancer (breast, intestine, prostate, etc.).

The low glycemic index of the food we consume has another positive bonus - we are less hungry and can easily get by with 3 meals a day.

The GI depends on food preparation: cooked vegetables have a higher GI than raw vegetables, and chopped vegetables have a higher GI than whole ones (that's why sweet fruit smoothies are not good for you - they dramatically increase glucose and insulin levels).

Be sure to contain vitamin D. Even the slightest deficiency of this vitamin worsens mood, easily drives us into depression and insomnia, headaches, weakens the immune system, causes muscle pain and weakness. That's why eggs with runny yolk, oily sea fish, cod liver, a little butter, and additional vitamin D intake should be the norm from October to April.

Warm food and drinks. The closer the food temperature is to the body temperature, the better it is absorbed. Therefore, "distortions" with iced drinks or tea with boiling water will not do any good.


Now you may ask: everything is clear, but what about children - they do not want to chew "grass" and ask for sweets.

For children, make a "light" version, for example,

- you can give a boiled egg or make an omelet with the addition of spinach leaves or finely chopped broccoli, tomato slices;

- add thick nut milk to cocoa (make it yourself, don't buy it in packets) or a spoonful of 15% cream;

- you can make an egg pancake (add a spoonful of whole wheat or flaxseed flour, milk, salt, turmeric on the tip of a knife to the egg), put a slice of hard cheese on top to melt;

- make a delicate egg and vegetable casserole (broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, or all together).

- You can promise a candy made of dried fruits and nuts at the end of the meal. There are many options, but all healthy foods, even in small quantities, must be present).

My breakfast.

Lettuce, beets, parsley, arugula, drizzled with olive oil.

Baked pumpkin, olives.


A boiled egg.

Quinoa porridge with extra virgin olive oil and turmeric powder.

Cocoa without milk and sugar.

Chia seeds soaked in half a glass of warm water and then mixed with a spoonful of kefir, cranberries and nuts.