
A nutritionist has named a healthy spice that she adds to all her dishes

Ihor Romanko

How often can you eat cinnamon
How often can you eat cinnamon

Cinnamon is not just a flavorful addition to desserts, but also a really valuable product for your health. Nutritionists recommend consuming it regularly, as cinnamon has many beneficial properties, one of which is the ability to lower blood sugar.

It is a flavorful and healthy spice that can easily fit into any diet. Add it to your dishes and enjoy not only the great taste, but also the health benefits. Don't forget to consult your doctor if you are taking any medications to regulate your blood sugar, writes.

How does cinnamon help regulate sugar?

  • Increases insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body absorb glucose from the blood. Cinnamon makes cells more sensitive to insulin, which means that it can lower sugar levels more effectively.
  • Slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Thanks to this, sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream more slowly, without causing sudden spikes after eating.

How to add cinnamon to your diet?

  • Sprinkle cinnamon on oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, and cottage cheese.
  • Add it to coffee, tea, and compote.
  • Use it in baking pies, cookies, muffins.
  • Add to meat dishes, stews, marinades.

Attention: This content is for informational purposes only and does not contain any medical advice. For medications, diagnoses, and other medical advice, please consult your doctor.

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