Dangerous honey, or Why I don't lose weight
Once my client could not lose weight, although she said she ate everything perfectly on the menu. Until we found out that she was eating an additional 5-10 tablespoons of honey every day ;) The nuance is that honey is the same sugar + a little bit of benefit.
Let's compare honey with sugar.
Calorie content:
Sugar – 387 kcal per 100 g
Honey – 304 kcal per 100 g
Honey is less caloric, but contains more water, so you need more of it to achieve the sweetness of sugar.
Sugar – 99.9% sucrose (glucose + fructose).
Honey – 80-85% of carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, a little sucrose), as well as enzymes, organic acids, vitamins (B, C), and antioxidants.
Effect on the body:
Glycemic index (GI):
- Sugar ≈ 65
- Honey (depending on the composition) 50-70
Metabolism and health:
- Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, and supports the immune system.
- Thanks to enzymes and antioxidants, it is more beneficial for the body than refined sugar.
- But fructose in honey in large quantities can overload the liver.
To get the benefits similar to 100 g of blueberries, you would have to eat 150 g to 2 kg of honey. Just keep this in mind when you are treated with honey when you are sick because it is useful.
I'm not saying don't eat honey! I recommend treating it as a more useful sugar. But it is still a source of simple/fast carbohydrates.